Responsibilities :
• Interact with customers
• Receive feedback / issues report
• Support and help customer yourself
• Provide timely support to customers through available communication channels.
• Handle customer’s concerns positively and professionally.
• Identify and escalate priority issues through proper channels when necessary.
• Works with other team members in identifying better ways in providing better customer support.
• Participate in additional training courses as required.
• Maintains and improves quality of service by giving recommendations.
• Keeps job knowledge up to date by attending upskill training to improve skills.
• Meet all key performance indicators set by the company and client.
• Adhere to the policies set by the company Requirements
• Educational attainment : Degree or Diploma (min)
• Educational background : No specific background but passionate in helping customers is key.
• Previous call centre experience (a plus but not required)
• Willing to learn and passionate about customers
• Be creative, think out of the box
• Computer literate – good understanding of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office or equivalent
• Native written and verbal communication skills.
• Team player with string problem solving and conflict management skills.
• Good reasoning and analytical skills.
• Friendly proactive attitude and great communication in challenging situations.
• Good multitasking skills.
1. 已婚已育優先;
2. 端莊大(dà)方,具有很強的親和力、樂觀開(kāi)朗;
3. 耐心細緻有條理,具有較強的人際溝通能力;
4. 有1年以上行政、總務、項目文員(yuán)、内勤相關工(gōng)作經驗優先;
5. 熟練掌握word、PPT、excel等常用辦公軟件;
6. 能夠适應項目緊急時一(yī)定程度的加班。
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源
1. 日語三級以上,能夠熟練書(shū)面溝通
2. 統招本科以上學曆
3. 有人事、内勤、總務、行政相關工(gōng)作經驗優先
4. 歡迎日語二級以上的應往屆畢業生(shēng)
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源
1. 職能、二手經紀合同相關合同協議的範本起草、審核、修訂;
2. 二手合同簽約認證、合規檢查;
3. 内外(wài)部相關法律問題解答;
4. 法律相關問題簽約指導、培訓(簽約合規、把控風險、訴訟)
5. 職能、二手房訴訟參庭,材料收集整理;
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源
1. 職能、二手經紀合同相關合同協議的範本起草、審核、修訂;
2. 二手合同簽約認證、合規檢查;
3. 内外(wài)部相關法律問題解答;
4. 法律相關問題簽約指導、培訓(簽約合規、把控風險、訴訟)
5. 職能、二手房訴訟參庭,材料收集整理;
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源
1. 通信、電(diàn)子、自動化、計算機相關專業
2. 統招本科以上學曆
3. 5年以上嵌入式開(kāi)發經驗
4. 3年以上項目管理經驗,有40人以上開(kāi)發團隊管理經驗
5. 有CMMI管理認證資(zī)質
6. 熟悉linux、C、C++、android等常用開(kāi)發語言
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源
1. 日語一(yī)級或相當水平
2. 統招本科以上學曆
3. 有1年以上财務相關工(gōng)作經驗
4. 有外(wài)企工(gōng)作背景優先
如您對以上職位感興趣且符合要求請将簡曆發送至 聯系人:人力資(zī)源